PublicationsTwo different and separate types of publications will be produced, one for each of the two parts in which CLEF is structured. Conference papersConference proceedings are published by Springer in their Lecture Notes for Computer Science (LNCS) series. As conference proceedings, the LNCS publication will be ready in time for the conference. Papers should be submitted in PDF format in the LNCS style to the following address: Deadlines
Copyright © by Springer-Verlag(*)Together with the camera ready file authors are also required to upload (a signed version of) the Springer copyright form. Copyright forms can be downloaded on the Springer website The Author may publish his/her contribution on his/her personal Web page provided that he/she creates a link to the above mentioned volume of LNCS at the Springer-Verlag server or to the LNCS series Homepage and that together with this electronic version it is clearly pointed out, by prominently adding "© Springer-Verlag", that the copyright for this contribution is held by Springer. (*) This copyright notice applies to all papers published in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science by Springer-Verlag, as mentionned in the Copyright Form. Labs Working NotesAll the experiments carried out by systems during the CLEF 2013 evaluation campaigns are described in the Working Notes, which are published in digital form only and will be available on the CLEF 2013 website. Printed abstracts are collected in the Book of Abstracts. Both electronic Working Notes Papers and Book of Abstracts will be assigned an ISBN and ISSN number. The papers will also be indexed by DBLP. Post-conference publications in suitable venues, such as journals, are welcome and under the responsibility of lab organizers. Instructions for Authors are available here. Instructions for Lab Overviews are available here. Submission deadline: June 15, 2013 CopyrightCopyright of the papers included in the CLEF 2013 Working Notes is retained by the authors (or the rights holder if different from the authors), however, by your submission of a contribution for inclusion in the CLEF Working Notes, you (or the rights holder) automatically grant the CLEF consortium (and its representatives) all necessary rights required to publish it on any selected media (hardcopy, web, CD, etc.) The CLEF 2013 Conference Proceedings, together with the Labs Book of Abstracts will be distributed to event attendees. |